12:50:21 INFO: ------------------- Starting diagnose 12:50:21 INFO: Database: D:\Archive\Databases\general_base\test\GENERAL_BASE_2023_10_new_FB30.FDB (77797pages) 12:50:21 INFO: Running procedure: Header page check 12:50:21 INFO: ODS Major = 12 (32780) 12:50:21 INFO: ODS Minor = 0 12:50:21 INFO: Next transaction = 2455 12:50:21 INFO: Oldest transaction = 1803 12:50:21 INFO: Oldest active = 2453 12:50:21 INFO: Oldest snapshot = 2453 12:50:21 INFO: Creation date = 27.10.2023 10:58:37 12:50:21 INFO: PageSize is Ok = 16384 12:50:21 INFO: Running procedure: Checking of RDB$Pages consistency 12:50:21 INFO: Checking of RDB$Pages consistency: Ok 12:50:21 INFO: Running procedure: Low-level check of all relations 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$DATABASE (1)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$DATABASE (1) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$FIELDS (2)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$FIELDS (2) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS (3)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS (3) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$INDICES (4)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$INDICES (4) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$RELATION_FIELDS (5)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$RELATION_FIELDS (5) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$RELATIONS (6)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$RELATIONS (6) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS (7)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS (7) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$FORMATS (8)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$FORMATS (8) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES (9)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES (9) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$FILES (10)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$FILES (10) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$TYPES (11)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$TYPES (11) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$TRIGGERS (12)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$TRIGGERS (12) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$DEPENDENCIES (13)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$DEPENDENCIES (13) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$FUNCTIONS (14)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$FUNCTIONS (14) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS (15)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS (15) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$FILTERS (16)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$FILTERS (16) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES (17)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES (17) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES (18)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES (18) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$TRANSACTIONS (19)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$TRANSACTIONS (19) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$GENERATORS (20)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$GENERATORS (20) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$FIELD_DIMENSIONS (21)... 12:50:21 INFO: Relation RDB$FIELD_DIMENSIONS (21) is OK 12:50:21 DEBUG: Checking RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS (22)... 12:50:21 ERROR: Page with #2214592553 is over the end of file. 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#25 on DP#88 has bad BACKVERSION:2214592553 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 2 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Page with #134250498 is over the end of file. 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#26 on DP#88 has bad BACKVERSION:134250498 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 4 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Page with #1048576 is over the end of file. 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#27 on DP#88 has bad BACKVERSION:1048576 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 6 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Page with #42205317 is over the end of file. 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#28 on DP#88 has bad BACKVERSION:42205317 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Page with #1078525968 is over the end of file. 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#29 on DP#88 has bad BACKVERSION:1078525968 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 10 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#30 on DP#88 - bad type for BACKVERSION page:49152 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 12 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Page with #2147483648 is over the end of file. 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#31 on DP#88 has bad BACKVERSION:2147483648 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 14 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Page with #1073778688 is over the end of file. 12:50:21 ERROR: Rec#32 on DP#88 has bad BACKVERSION:1073778688 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:21 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Found 15 record errors on datapage#88 12:50:22 ERROR: Error on data page #88 12:50:22 INFO: Pointer page #48 checking: found 1 errors. 12:50:22 ERROR: Error in checking relation #22 Found 1 errors. 12:50:22 ERROR: Relation RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS (22) is CORRUPT 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS (23)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS (23) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS (24)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS (24) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$LOG_FILES (25)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$LOG_FILES (25) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$PROCEDURES (26)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$PROCEDURES (26) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS (27)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS (27) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$CHARACTER_SETS (28)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$CHARACTER_SETS (28) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$COLLATIONS (29)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$COLLATIONS (29) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$EXCEPTIONS (30)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$EXCEPTIONS (30) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$ROLES (31)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$ROLES (31) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$BACKUP_HISTORY (32)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$BACKUP_HISTORY (32) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$PACKAGES (42)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$PACKAGES (42) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$AUTH_MAPPING (45)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$AUTH_MAPPING (45) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking RDB$DB_CREATORS (47)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation RDB$DB_CREATORS (47) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_ANKETA (128)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_ANKETA (128) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_BASEPRICE (129)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_BASEPRICE (129) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_CLINIC (130)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_CLINIC (130) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_DOCTOR (131)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_DOCTOR (131) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_DRUGS (132)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_DRUGS (132) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_DS (133)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_DS (133) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_MANIP (134)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_MANIP (134) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_MKB10 (135)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_MKB10 (135) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_PAYMENT (136)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_PAYMENT (136) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_PRICE (137)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_PRICE (137) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_RECOM (138)... 12:50:22 INFO: Relation TBL_RECOM (138) is OK 12:50:22 DEBUG: Checking TBL_SERVICEINFO (139)... 12:50:23 INFO: Relation TBL_SERVICEINFO (139) is OK 12:50:23 DEBUG: Checking TBL_SHEDULE (140)... 12:50:23 INFO: Relation TBL_SHEDULE (140) is OK 12:50:23 DEBUG: Checking TBL_TOWN (141)... 12:50:23 INFO: Relation TBL_TOWN (141) is OK 12:50:23 DEBUG: Checking TBL_CONSULTATION (142)... 12:50:23 INFO: Relation TBL_CONSULTATION (142) is OK 12:50:23 DEBUG: Checking TBL_VISITBLOB (143)... 12:50:26 INFO: Relation TBL_VISITBLOB (143) is OK 12:50:26 DEBUG: Checking TBL_VISITMAIN (144)... 12:50:28 INFO: Relation TBL_VISITMAIN (144) is OK 12:50:28 DEBUG: Checking TMP_VISITBLOB (145)... 12:50:28 INFO: Relation TMP_VISITBLOB (145) is OK 12:50:28 DEBUG: Checking TBL_LABORISSUE (146)... 12:50:28 INFO: Relation TBL_LABORISSUE (146) is OK 12:50:28 DEBUG: Checking TBL_VISITEXAMIN (147)... 12:50:28 INFO: Relation TBL_VISITEXAMIN (147) is OK 12:50:28 DEBUG: Checking TBL_VISITLABOR (148)... 12:50:28 ERROR: Page with #139264 is over the end of file. 12:50:28 ERROR: Rec#1 on DP#246 has bad BACKVERSION:139264 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 1 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Page with #16777216 is over the end of file. 12:50:28 ERROR: Rec#2 on DP#246 has bad BACKVERSION:16777216 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 2 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Page with #524448 is over the end of file. 12:50:28 ERROR: Rec#3 on DP#246 has bad BACKVERSION:524448 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 4 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Rec#4 on DP#246 - bad type for BACKVERSION page:32848 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 6 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Page with #608174080 is over the end of file. 12:50:28 ERROR: Rec#5 on DP#246 has bad BACKVERSION:608174080 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 7 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Rec#6 on DP#246 - bad type for BACKVERSION page:16 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:28 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 8 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Rec#43 on DP#246 - bad type for BACKVERSION page:34 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 10 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 11 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 11 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 11 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Found 11 record errors on datapage#246 12:50:29 ERROR: Error on data page #246 12:50:30 INFO: Pointer page #232 checking: found 1 errors. 12:50:30 ERROR: Error in checking relation #148 Found 1 errors. 12:50:30 ERROR: Relation TBL_VISITLABOR (148) is CORRUPT 12:50:30 DEBUG: Checking IBE$PARAMS_HISTORY (149)... 12:50:30 INFO: Relation IBE$PARAMS_HISTORY (149) is OK 12:50:30 ERROR: All relations check found 2 errors. 12:50:30 INFO: ------------------- Finished diagnose--------