USE [master] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_helptrace] Script Date: 16/09/2022 15:06:11 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER proc [dbo].[sp_helptrace] @event varchar(255) = null /*event to show*/ ,@top varchar(10) = null /*top NUM*/ ,@file varchar(512) = null /*specific trace file*/ ,@db nvarchar(128) = null /*info per database*/ ,@user varchar(128) = null ,@exec tinyint = 1 as begin set nocount on declare @cmd varchar(2048) declare @all_files varchar(512) declare @traces table (id int,filepath nvarchar(260),[status] varchar(20)) declare @id int declare @2print nvarchar(300) if isnull(@top,'')='' select @top='100' select @user=isnull('and ft.LoginName like ''%'+@user+'%'' ','') /* prepare path for all files */ select @all_files=CAST(value AS VARCHAR(200)) FROM sys.fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT) WHERE traceid = 1 AND property = 2 select @all_files=left(@all_files,len(@all_files)-charindex('_',reverse(@all_files)))+right(@all_files,4) /*informational*/ select @cmd='Default trace current file: ['+ path+']' from sys.traces where is_default=1 print @cmd select @cmd='Start time: '+convert(varchar(20),start_time,106) + ' '+convert(varchar(20),start_time,108) from sys.traces where is_default=1 print @cmd select @cmd='Last event: '+convert(varchar(20),last_event_time,106) + ' '+convert(varchar(20),last_event_time,108) from sys.traces where is_default=1 print @cmd if exists (select top 1 1 from sys.traces where is_default<>1) begin insert into @traces (id,filepath,[status]) select id ,[path] ,case when status=0 then 'Stopped' when status=1 then 'Running' else convert(varchar(20),[status]) end from sys.traces where is_default<>1 print '' print 'Other traces:' select @2print='' while exists (select top 1 1 from @traces) begin select top 1 @id=id ,@2print= convert(nvarchar(10),id)+' : '+filepath+' ['+[status]+']' from @traces order by id print @2print delete @traces where id=@id select @2print='' end end if not exists (select 1 from sys.traces where is_default=1 and status=1 ) begin print 'No active default trace running!' select @cmd=' /* *** How to enable *** */ /*check*/ select * from master.sys.traces where is_default=1 go /*enable*/ exec sp_configure ''show advanced'',1 reconfigure go exec sp_configure ''default trace enabled'',0 reconfigure go exec sp_configure ''default trace enabled'',1 reconfigure go /*check*/ select * from master.sys.traces where is_default=1 go ' print @cmd return end /* -- end -- */ select @cmd='' /**/ if (@event is null) --and (@file is null) /*check ALL trace files and show all events and their frequency*/ select @cmd=' use master; select [EventCategory] , [EventDesc] , ft.EventClass [ClassID] , count(1) [Events] , sum(case when ft.StartTime >=convert(date,getdate()) then 1 else 0 end) [HappenedToday] , min(ft.StartTime) [FirstEvent] , max(ft.StartTime) [LastEvent] , case when datediff(ss,min(ft.StartTime),max(ft.StartTime))>86400 then convert(varchar(10),datediff(dd,min(ft.StartTime),max(ft.StartTime)))+'' day(s) '' else '''' end + convert(varchar(10),dateadd(ss,datediff(ss,min(ft.StartTime),max(ft.StartTime)),0),108) [DepthOfData] ,case when datediff(ss,max(ft.StartTime),getdate())>86400 then convert(varchar(10),datediff(dd,max(ft.StartTime),getdate()))+'' day(s) '' else '''' end + convert(varchar(10),dateadd(ss,datediff(ss,max(ft.StartTime),getdate()),0),108) [Ago] FROM sys.traces t CROSS Apply ::fn_trace_gettable('''+ ISNULL(@file,@all_files) +''', '+case when @file is null then 't.max_files' else 'null' end+') AS ft INNER JOIN sys.trace_events AS te ON ft.EventClass = te.trace_event_id INNER JOIN sys.trace_categories tc on te.category_id=tc.category_id where t.is_default=1 and t.status=1 '+@user+' group by,, ft.EventClass order by 1,2; ' if (@event is not null) --and (@file is null) /*check ALL trace files and show event + additional info*/ select @cmd=' use master; SELECT top '+@top+', ft.SPID, ft.LoginName, ft.Hostname, ft.ClientProcessID, ft.DatabaseName, ft.FileName, ft.StartTime, dateadd(ms,ft.Duration/1000,ft.StartTime) [FinishTime], ft.ApplicationName , ft.ObjectID, ft.Duration/1000/1000 [Duration (s)], ft.TextData, ft.RoleName, ft.TargetUserName, ft.TargetLoginName FROM sys.traces st CROSS Apply ::fn_trace_gettable('''+ ISNULL(@file,@all_files) +''', '+case when @file is null then 'st.max_files' else 'NULL' end+') AS ft INNER JOIN sys.trace_events AS te ON ft.EventClass = te.trace_event_id WHERE LIKE '''+@event+''' '+@user+' and st.is_default=1 and st.status=1 ORDER BY ft.StartTime desc; ' if (@db is not null) begin select @event=isnull('and LIKE '''+@event+'''','') --select @file=ISNULL(@file,@all_files) if @db='' begin select @cmd=' SELECT ft.DatabaseName , , , count( [Events] FROM sys.traces st CROSS Apply ::fn_trace_gettable('''+ISNULL(@file,@all_files)+''', '+case when @file is null then 'st.max_files' else 'null' end +') AS ft INNER JOIN sys.trace_events AS te ON ft.EventClass = te.trace_event_id INNER JOIN sys.trace_categories tc on te.category_id=tc.category_id WHERE st.is_default=1 and st.status=1 group by ft.DatabaseName,, order by 1,2,3,4 desc' end else select @cmd=' use master; SELECT top '+@top+', ft.SPID, ft.LoginName, ft.Hostname, ft.ClientProcessID, ft.DatabaseName, ft.FileName, ft.StartTime, dateadd(ms,ft.Duration/1000,ft.StartTime) [FinishTime], ft.ApplicationName , ft.ObjectID, ft.Duration/1000/1000 [Duration (s)], ft.TextData, ft.RoleName, ft.TargetUserName, ft.TargetLoginName FROM sys.traces st CROSS Apply ::fn_trace_gettable('''+ ISNULL(@file,@all_files) +''', '+case when @file is null then 'st.max_files' else 'null' end+') AS ft INNER JOIN sys.trace_events AS te ON ft.EventClass = te.trace_event_id WHERE 1=1 '+@event+' '+@user+' and ft.DatabaseName='''+@db+''' and st.is_default=1 and st.status=1 ORDER BY ft.StartTime desc; ' end print ' ' print '/* -------- Current Query --------- */' print @cmd if @exec=1 exec (@cmd) end